
Information in accordance with Sect. 5 E-Commerce Act 
Company name: FerienregionNationalpark Hohe Tauern GmbH
Principal office: 5730 Mittersill, Gerlosstraße 18
Management: Mag. Roland Rauch
Telephone: 0043 6562 40 939
Fax: 0043 6562 40 939 20
VAT Reg. No.: ATU 527 28 302
Commercial register: Regional Court Salzburg FN 211939a

Responsible for the contents
FerienregionNationalpark Hohe Tauern

Copyright, concept, design and programming
CONECTO Business Communication Gmbh -

Photo credits
Ferienregion NPHT, Nationalparkverwaltung SBG, Salzburger Land Tourismus GmbH, TVB's der Ferienregion Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Bryan Reinhart, Cathrine Stukhard, Ferdinand Rieder, Mario Anhaus, Foto Gruber, Michael Huber, David Innerhofer, Branislav Rohal, Bluemoonthecrew Wipfler Pousset, Daniel Kogler, Daniel Breuer, Max Draeger, Tom Hörl, Leo Himsl, Fotograf Hader, Europasportregion, Ralph Fischbacher, Kurt Novak, NPZ, GROHAG, Getty Images,,

Legal note
This homepage also contains links to other pages on the Internet. The following applies to all these links: We emphasise formally that we do not have any influence on layout and contents of the linked pages. Therefore, we expressly dissociate ourselves from all of contents of the linked pages on our website incl. all subpages. This declaration applies to all links displayed on this homepage and to all contents to which any links or banners refer. All rights to these Internet pages, particularly the right to duplication and electronic transmission, are reserved by the publisher. Reproduction, processing or electronic distribution only with prior consent by the owner.


With the support of LEADER

The development of this homepage and the installation of the electronic booking system were supported by LEADER with funds from the EU, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour and the Province of Salzburg.